Saturday, April 17, 2010

Differenze Emu Stinger Lo Emu Bronte

Cogito, ergo I'm an asshole fuck it

What do I do on a Saturday at 5 am writing a blog? Why can not I sleep? Why not sleep? Why do not I have a normal sleep schedule? Should have a party? Nothing good happens after 4 am. What am I doing? Why am I here? What shit is this place? Why every single time I come home at night I have the feeling to be trapped by ugly buildings in this city? When will I be able to go? Why not dedicate myself to study half the time I spend papando flies? Why not dedicate it to read, even? Damn, I feel so idiot ... Before doing much else. Should I leave Facebook? Should I leave the internet? Puta tendency to addiction. Puta false sense of popularity provided by social networks. Puta econometrics.

And here comes my concerned mother ... "childish, do not you go to sleep?"



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