Sunday, March 28, 2010

Facebook Numbers Status

Friday, March 26, 2010. 22.00 h. St. Peter, patron saint of computer science. Elviña campus. A Coruña.

me I was a newcomer to the party. Just recognition for a walk in search of some known to me kindly ceded a glass. I always forget something. Having succeeded in this mission, I told Heike, and pointing to a bottle to my glass: "wait, I get the phone, I will call Prol when you arrive and I will not hear" . Here unleashed a catastrophe to get the mobile bag, slipped on my glove and fell spectacularly to the floor, skipping every one of his pieces in one direction. Quickly and before anyone could step on, I bent down and picked up all the parts I saw. To go to the battery, I found a nasty surprise: the card was not. I started to look on the floor, I asked people to move in case you were stepping, but nothing helped. I ask that company was, I said that of R, looking at me weird, I asked the color of the cards R, I said I did not know, but he thought white. I also have been drawn sounded a red herringbone do not know, actually could be any color. I also wondered if she was inside the phone, and I said "I've looked at, not" . Chaos. I finally gave up. Begged a cellphone and called my father

- Dad, I lost the wireless card.
- Did you lost your mobile?
- No, the card.
- How?
- Yes, the phone I have, but no card. A test call to see if you can give it low. If not tomorrow.
- Well, okay.

My father, who had seen me leave the house half an hour before, he must have thought he had started drinking and in the portal.

The rest of the night was spent drinking and telling people who had lost the card of the mobile, not mobile. I decided that from now on, every time you go through the stairs between computers and roads, say, "here I lost my phone card" , and my friends would say, "we already know, heavy!" . I even considered hanging up posters around campus asking if anyone was returned to me, please. It would have been funny.

Hasta aquí los sucesos de San Pepe. Pero... ¿qué pasó en realidad con la tarjeta? Analicémoslo:

Este es mi móvil:

Este es mi móvil desmontado:

Marcado en rojo está el para mí perfectamente obvio lugar donde debería estar la tarjeta. Tiene forma de tarjeta y tamaño de tarjeta. Por tanto, falta la tarjeta.

Or not. Because the card was actually ...

... rendijita stuck in there (in the pictures above you can see that stands out, gets inside whole).

Conclusion: The guy who asked if he was inside the mobile was right. And I'm an asshole. Now I have the card, but is turned off, so ... or not. We'll see how to fix this on Monday.

In case anyone still wondered how I realized my mistake ... well ... is that yesterday afternoon I tried to turn on the phone, to verify that the tremendous blow that he had left was not silly at all, and asked me the PIN. There I began to suspect something strange was happening. Opened, searched, and found this.

And by the way, R cards are brown, for future reference.


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