Friday, March 12, 2010

What Does Is Silver Mean

know if you study the double ...

I had a geek moment. I do not know if it's the hangover or the mojitos of yesterday have perpetuated their effect until today, and I know I'm going to regret having published it when people start to look at me that even worse now, but here goes. The absence of a list of these for my career is something that bothered me for quite some time, and this is why, instead of studying commercial, which is what I should be doing right now, I have decided to compile a list of the 45 things that make you to be fully aware that you are studying appropriate and right and that your life is ... because it is. Wanted to be 50, but I'm out of ideas.

know you study the double if ...

1. One of the reasons why you got into this race was two degrees look good on a resume.

2. Another reason was so that I could not say what "the worth, it ..."

3. Do not know if you like more right or appropriate, or if you hate them both.

4. In other races have exams in February and June ... your exams start in February and continues until June.

5. Live surrounded by people who always has studied more than you, knows more than you, and yet is much more overwhelmed than you.

6. You have six years to ask yourself what to do with your life, and yet you have no fucking idea ...

7. You explain to your parents at the end of each course that two races should actually be 10 years, so if you end up in nine already have enough merit.

8. The law professor who comes after econometrics is startled to see the blackboard, look at you and says "the truth is that what you do is hard ..." and you smile and nod condescendingly.

9. Your teachers do not assume that you will not over as long as the rest of their students.

10. More than once has come to the right before dawn and when you're gone it was night again.

11. The few hours you have free academies raisins in mathematics, accounting, etc..

12. While denying it, you love to ask you what you study, say "appropriate and right" people say "Oh, right, that's nice" and highlight "no, ADE and law, economics and law, the double major."

13. Ever appropriate to say that studying and right you have asked "what's that? "VET?"

14. Do you see that only appropriate and just right and you think, "some days will labor for me ... "

15. Do you think companies are going to fight for you when you finish the race.

16. In your class there are at least three people you'd like throwing the Commercial Code to the head every time I ask a question.

17. Those three people think that companies will look at his record and will fight for them when they finish the race.

18. Consider erasmus go twice, once by appropriate and by right.

19. Have classes from eight to three and 3:30 to 9:00 does not seem a compelling enough reason to avoid doing work.

20. When someone gets cocky and says he has pushed and I will split that jerk face you have, go through your mind in half a second the arts. 15 and 18 of the constitution, and see clearly criminal threats and slander. And you wonder if there will be a combination of offenses.

21. Think that, first, to be registrar of property, lawyer or economist of the state is really cool, but then again, after 6 years studying to get two races contested to be given as laziness ... and you're much better than that and companies will fight for you.

22. You wonder what will become of those of appropriate classes or right, when teachers say they like your class because you are heavily engaged and everyone is quiet ...

23. You know how to appeal a parking ticket by defect.

24. When you finish testing the joy is doubled ... and chop well.

25. If last year you is a duty for September, can hold twice in the same year you finished the race!

26. You put in the same batch the Civil Code, the Criminal Code and the General Accounting Plan, and you think they all should be able to take exams.

27. Mixes in your mind abbreviations, acronyms and numbers, and live in chaos consists of FIFOs, LIFOS, CC, CP, C c, OECD, 30/92, BM, (XM), Art, STC, HO Act, PPIO ...

28. Even frequently used expressions like drunken non bis in idem, ceteris paribus, ex tunc, ex nunc, auctoritas, potestas, non petita acusatio excusatio and manifest in dubio pro reo.

29. Perfectly know the procedure for making laws, but know also calculate the stock on a company in Excel.

30. Everything in life may be related to the law of supply and demand.

31. Often qualify people's behavior as "willful."

32. No charge using article 464.1 Cc moral justification for theft of pens to fellow students.

33. You know Adam Smith, Marx, Alessina, Schumpeter, Mochón, Krugman and Tobin, but also to Diocletian, Caracalla, Chindasvinto, Bartolo Sassoferrato, Garcia and Alvaro D'Ors Enterría.

34. Justify your suspended in mathematics, statistics and econometrics saying is that I am of letters, do not you see I study law? "

35. The day of the presentation, all subjects will look extremely interesting and useful. After two hours of class you find you do not know what they're not even good for something, and they are extremely boring.

36. People look at you funny when you wonder what consideration and answer you, year after year, than civil.

37. When you say you've got history test you have to specify if of law, global economic or financial in Spain.

38. Instead of calling someone stupid, call him unimpeachable.

39. You thought your first consideration while studying law career was not all items to be studied, that it was inhuman, and reached the examination and the first question was: "Article 56 EC et seq."

40. I'll pass pipe cracking on TV how they screw with the legal language (see the program Ana Rosa, Deluxe Save me some news programs ...)

41. Not sure if Leopoldo Abadía have a clue about economics or not, just know that everything you say what you learned in four months.

42. All your friends think that someday will be his lawyer and also helps them to evade tax free!

43. In general, most teachers want to adds that the law because they put Power Point.

44. You've discovered a base of sticks that are not multiple choice exams easier.

45. ADE your teachers hate you for studying law, and law to study ADE hate you ... fuck them to be more cool than them.

46. You have an exceptional ability to radically change the subject, which means you can move from micro to criminal law without giving you even realize that has nothing to do with the other.

47. Every day I wonder what you do in this race and think about leaving one of the two, and ten minutes later you're thinking that if you study one more year to finish ... you could also have political!


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