Friday, December 12, 2008

Emerald Candied Wa;nuts

a conversation about the electoral system Panamanian

... But the point is that at this time the electoral law does not allow independent presidential bid, breaking the constitution. participation conditions are unfair to those who dominate the structure and for those seeking alternatives, deeper reforms or changes. Example of this public funds are allocated to the parties and the difference between the power conferred on the citizen to simply switch between parties with a firm, not as easily allowed to support independent applications, or the formation of new parties. I believe that this situation taught as close to reality, the idea that there is no danger in the alternation in government and in the share of adherents among the existing parties, all of which respond to real factors of power [ traditional economic ] . The "problem" is then to enable real choices and so seek not allow them.

For the formation of political parties, national mandatory, sets out a number of requirements as the number and geographical distribution of the possible accession to the task extremely difficult. Since then, the creation of obstacles by the dominant sectors is not something that Panama is a source of complaint but not crying, it is simply a reality that is facing the construction processes of political forces within the limited framework, tailored and always exceeds the law.

Speaking of status quo-which incidentally has the bad habit and profitable dress of progressive, tolerant, democratic, pluralist illustrated and then argues that if you do not have the "capacity" to strengthen the alternative project in accordance with legal requirements and means "democratic" because it shows how impractical or unnecessary project "does not correspond to an aspiration of society."

This claim might have some validity to a certain point, but we can not forget is that material reality is superior to law, our political parties are still capitalizing on the poor living conditions of most Panamanians, ie that the political system is living on clientelism, a situation quite compatible with a state that is based on the practice of corruption in its various forms as a means of subsistence and reproduction, learned from the days of the "conquest" English, until time, through our "independence" our "separation" and our "process", which set deep dependency relations between socio-economic power that has established practice, the party or candidate and the elector of a keen client "resolves ".

access to government is the strength of our existing parties, is a way to defend those who set up and make 5 years of prosperity with a change in power that simulates a democratic state and maintains a balance perverse and increasingly untenable.

Regardless of statements, programs, plans (if any), they are not specified in a government practice in line with its declared ideology, or more evidence in public policy dispute between a and the other party. Our people mostly do not have deep ideological definitions, the numbers of members who boast of our games are nothing more than reflection, there are exceptions, of espitirual and material misery of much of our population, the necessity of living human beings irrespective of the environment in which it was born, and the enthronement in the collective consciousness of our most deeply rooted conception the world: play our daily living.


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