is not logical that the occupant is declared victim to respond with 100 warplanes to homemade rockets (or not) of a people to resist. or the life or integrity of an Israeli has the same or greater value than that of hundreds of Palestinians. not entitled to be called human in the sense because who practice genocide and then systematically outraged if the dead man appears in dreams, or in the eyes of thousands of living. I do not understand how they want to build peace from the subjugation of the weak to strong, from the spoil from the cemetery. the state of Israel can have all the weapons and support of governments 'Western' (beyond hypocrites restraint orders), but is morally absolute and definitive dismantling.

the state of filth that is now Israel must disappear. Declar ation that says nothing against his people, only against those who maintain and exploit this reality, I say to not waste your time in answering me and call me anti-Semitic bigot who live off the income of the Holocaust 1939-1945 war. the people of Israel has every right to live in peace with all peoples of the world. sure other problems occupy our future if we cease to exist today, but I can not help act on our present.
the state of Israel STINKS, generates shame. dawn and the day of your time. even with all our dead, perhaps because of them, with them and through them, Venceremos.
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