Monday, December 29, 2008

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what more can you say?, What more can you report?, What can be done to really help from the other side of the world?. I see the bombing and I remember a December 20, 1989. I see people carrying wounded and reminds me of a January 9, 1964. report that Israel, invented statelet exercised poor form of violence and blatant racism is nothing new. remember that there are people inside "good" and "bad" is a no-brainer to turn to for not raising and unproductive extreme positions, those that arise legitimately from a recurrent sentiment impotence.

is not logical that the occupant is declared victim to respond with 100 warplanes to homemade rockets (or not) of a people to resist. or the life or integrity of an Israeli has the same or greater value than that of hundreds of Palestinians. not entitled to be called human in the sense because who practice genocide and then systematically outraged if the dead man appears in dreams, or in the eyes of thousands of living. I do not understand how they want to build peace from the subjugation of the weak to strong, from the spoil from the cemetery. the state of Israel can have all the weapons and support of governments 'Western' (beyond hypocrites restraint orders), but is morally absolute and definitive dismantling.

the state of filth that is now Israel must disappear. Declar ation that says nothing against his people, only against those who maintain and exploit this reality, I say to not waste your time in answering me and call me anti-Semitic bigot who live off the income of the Holocaust 1939-1945 war. the people of Israel has every right to live in peace with all peoples of the world. sure other problems occupy our future if we cease to exist today, but I can not help act on our present.

the state of Israel STINKS, generates shame. dawn and the day of your time. even with all our dead, perhaps because of them, with them and through them, Venceremos.

Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm Coughing Up Green Mucus

genteeeeeee Hello!
I think this is the first time I use a post to use this as cutreblog welcomed a "change of year," but ... here goes:
pease of HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 this we comes for all! You will see that Bueno!

impatient are advised that it will begin a little difficult ** what will probably also slower, but tranquilité that is overcome with a slight effort. It will be a 2k9 Gen. **

probably economically speaking or some still can not take liquid gold is not what constipated rare

Multiple kisses and hugs to you all!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Emerald Candied Walnuts

who do we get from the street?

... "them off the street" was the response of the new Minister of Government and Justice? respect to the constant theme of insecurity. For this purpose, after thorough studies, raises the novel idea to increase penalties (again) and the number of police.

Nothing about socioeconomic conditions prevent recurrence and worse in a model of "development" predator of people, cultures and nature. Nothing about making

rot in prison for stealing millions of public money to live well by living them bad for the rest, moving with their firmitas the evil machine in his favor.

not going to say, it would take to the streets to be drawn: who is appointed, his colleagues Excellencies Ministers and army of suckers, and customers holding Lambone the system unsustainable. In this little country

any rough with shit on his head put on a tie and goes to minister or president, just remember to repeat the recipe, echo, noise.

* in the photo, from left to right, Dilio Arcia, Daniel Delgado Diamante and Salvador Rodríguez, three good examples of gross

How To Write A Sympathy Card In Spanish

us barbarians

Iraq. 1,250,000 dead. 4 million displaced and refugees. A country destroyed.

And still have the nerve to call "barbaric and shameful" to shoe thrown Muntazer al-Zeidi.

the RAE dictionary, barbarism (Del lat. Barbarism).
1. f. Rusticity, lack of culture. 2. f. Ferocity, cruelty.

I want to be that great, rustic, uneducated, to have that degree of fierceness and cruelty drives me to throw shoes into a murderer.

I will not ever reach the level of civilization, refinement, culture, tenderness and compassion, that allows me to throw "preventively" bombs on a village.

I, even at this distance, with al-Zeidi and its people. With all those people. The story does not stop, even with all our dead, Venceremos.

are always able to feel

in the depths
any injustice committed against any
in any part of the world

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

North Face Breast Cancerjacket

"Thanks for coming" One of anniversaries

January 3

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sample Car Insurance Certificate

of a conversation on ways to fight

in response to a question from a friend, share these ideas ...


1. Opposition, rivalry or hostility between opponents who try to impose on each other.

2. effort is made to withstand a hostile force or temptation, to survive or to achieve some goal.


1. adj. Quiet, quiet, does not cause strife or discord.

2. adj. in peace, undisturbed by wars or riots.

3. adj. What is or is not opposition, contradiction or change in your state.

live in a society divided into classes, increasingly polarized and antagonistic to their interests. The conflict inherent in such a social form has been and is permanent, but tends to sharpen the contradictions are more apparent.

The struggle to overcome such conditions was consistent with periods of more or less external violence where the prevailing theory or action, although both are always present and depend on each other.

More than peaceful struggle, knowing the violent nature of power in place, would struggle through peaceful means, by the oppressed (eg Gandhi) but fight to the end. And struggles through violent means (eg, Guevara), on behalf of the oppressed, when the violence of the oppressors in their resistance to change leads society to open conforntación.

In order that the fight there, says real conflicts contradictory product of a society, just changing (and complement) the means of struggle, both legitimate and necessary as are the equally legitimate needs of those who invoke and practice, as is violence / resistance of the establishment.

say that there peaceful struggle, but struggle by peaceful means, on our part. For the contrary, which imposes violence in the system, you can not talk peace.

What we can not do is go to the fight foolishly Front material disadvantage and / or intellectual. What we must fight for all viable and necessary manpower accumulating conscious, intellectual scientist wins in front of the power lies in the physical and material.

I think the fight begins by arming yourself in the head but unfortunately ends up in arms, must be responsible and constantly go step by step to the end, for which I consider vital to there is sufficient fund to support a costly victory in terms of human lives.

irresponsible therefore consider the immediate, violent opportunism closure does not add nor people, nor victories intellectual or material, and only serves to release hormones, if those individuals do not engage in an ongoing effort individually and together to communities.

known that I do not rule out the method, while I was there, somehow I will be playing to be there again, but honestly is not sufficient per se productive for our struggle in the current conditions.

is also fucking the exquisite intellectual disgust have to sweat in the march, get your hands dirty with the earth and drop a shot on necessary; as stubborn as believed to help the people releasing their stress, no effort to construct alternatives by 'sweating' the brain. So to be there unfortunately, because it is 'just and necessary', and knowing that no one is assured to get a taste of the day of victory when he gets into this, so I do the work I do.

I leave you with a code of ethics very short, comprehensive and fundamental

My kids

Dear Hildita, Aleidita, Camilo, Celia and Ernesto:

If you ever have to read this letter, it is because I am not among you

Almost no remember me and the little ones will not remember anything.

His father was a man who thinks and acts as has certainly been true to their convictions.

Grow up as good revolutionaries. Study hard to master the technique to master nature. Remember that the revolution is important and that each of us, alone, is worth nothing. Especially are always capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone anywhere in the world. is the most beautiful quality of a revolutionary.

Farewell my children, I hope to see yet. A big kiss and a hug from


Friday, December 12, 2008

Emerald Candied Wa;nuts

a conversation about the electoral system Panamanian

... But the point is that at this time the electoral law does not allow independent presidential bid, breaking the constitution. participation conditions are unfair to those who dominate the structure and for those seeking alternatives, deeper reforms or changes. Example of this public funds are allocated to the parties and the difference between the power conferred on the citizen to simply switch between parties with a firm, not as easily allowed to support independent applications, or the formation of new parties. I believe that this situation taught as close to reality, the idea that there is no danger in the alternation in government and in the share of adherents among the existing parties, all of which respond to real factors of power [ traditional economic ] . The "problem" is then to enable real choices and so seek not allow them.

For the formation of political parties, national mandatory, sets out a number of requirements as the number and geographical distribution of the possible accession to the task extremely difficult. Since then, the creation of obstacles by the dominant sectors is not something that Panama is a source of complaint but not crying, it is simply a reality that is facing the construction processes of political forces within the limited framework, tailored and always exceeds the law.

Speaking of status quo-which incidentally has the bad habit and profitable dress of progressive, tolerant, democratic, pluralist illustrated and then argues that if you do not have the "capacity" to strengthen the alternative project in accordance with legal requirements and means "democratic" because it shows how impractical or unnecessary project "does not correspond to an aspiration of society."

This claim might have some validity to a certain point, but we can not forget is that material reality is superior to law, our political parties are still capitalizing on the poor living conditions of most Panamanians, ie that the political system is living on clientelism, a situation quite compatible with a state that is based on the practice of corruption in its various forms as a means of subsistence and reproduction, learned from the days of the "conquest" English, until time, through our "independence" our "separation" and our "process", which set deep dependency relations between socio-economic power that has established practice, the party or candidate and the elector of a keen client "resolves ".

access to government is the strength of our existing parties, is a way to defend those who set up and make 5 years of prosperity with a change in power that simulates a democratic state and maintains a balance perverse and increasingly untenable.

Regardless of statements, programs, plans (if any), they are not specified in a government practice in line with its declared ideology, or more evidence in public policy dispute between a and the other party. Our people mostly do not have deep ideological definitions, the numbers of members who boast of our games are nothing more than reflection, there are exceptions, of espitirual and material misery of much of our population, the necessity of living human beings irrespective of the environment in which it was born, and the enthronement in the collective consciousness of our most deeply rooted conception the world: play our daily living.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jibjab Free Membership

Today is November 20, and it turns out we cheerfully celebrating the death of dictator Francisco Franco was called. Today marks the thirty-third anniversary, and here I have the video of his last speech in the Plaza de Oriente.

far so more or less understandable but is a little thing I do not block ... and leaving with him a parejilla ... a couple of characters who inherited the "heads of state," (and I have since called them kings) seems that simply by colegueo with him ... and the truth is that no I understand why you do not hear in his thirties any complaints about it. What I think that broke the last straw is that there are more heirs over the matter to date, but still not good that I'm a little confused lately

EDIT: I said a good friend of mine, who this morning reaching the town of Pedro Muñoz has seen few young people raising their right hands vigorously in the hermitage of San Isidro as a tribute ... I know ... different conclusions ... nothing nothing ... (no kidding) ACRUZALOMOS

Friday, November 7, 2008

Where To Buy Little Men Shirt In Singapore


is a group of amateur mountain bike Pedro Muñoz. In YOUR WEB can see multiple pictures of the marches in which cyclists take cyclists, and the presentation of its members and organized routes themselves

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Where Do You Buy Everyday Minerals?

Pink Panthers

I do not know if I mentioned here, but lately I'm lame memory, and this among other things makes me go over historical batches of photos in my computer. This has become inevitable to make a post when I saw a folder that I believe dates from 2002. Just leave the cover of the short film directed by D. Luis Villar Pink Panthers, who encouraged me free memories ... I hope you too.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sample Welcome New Doctor

Nicomedes García Gómez

Born January 8, 1901 in Valverde del Majano . With ten years of age started to work in a small business selling wines, owned by his father. At night studying mathematics, which had particular inclination. In 1919 he patented the trademark "Anis La Castellana." Another of his initiatives was the Advertising Agency "Azor," known for his design of Toro de Osborne. He also had an ice factory and other diverse businesses. In the 40 was the largest importer of vehicles, founded the "Auto Res", in 1950 bought to refloat sunken ships and formed the Carrier Nicomedes Garcia, who came to build ships. Scholtz Hermanos SA acquired Bodegas Malaga wine. Brandy produced the "Coven" in the Penedès. seemed that I had everything done in life ... but then, but then in 1958 created the Society Whisky Distilleries and SA Foster. " In February 1959 he began to distill the plant Palazuelos de Eresma. In March 1963, was marketed to the public on "Whisky DYC ." Del million liters sold then spent more than twenty in the 80's. On April 19, 1989 died Nicomedes García Gómez. Another of his works is the Foundation "Nicomedes García", created to promote culture.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How To Properly Masterbate Your Women

68th anniversary of Lennon

Today is the 68th anniversary of the birth of John Lennon. Born in Liverpool in full Nazi Luftwaffe bombing of the newly-started the Second World War, hence, in a gesture of patriotism, his parents imposed as a middle name the British prime minister at the time, Sir Winston Churchill.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Unresponsive Eyes Wide Open


I'm afraid I still hear a lot of "fucking queers " for instance, to walk so outraged now that there are still people who treat homosexuality as a disease .
I myself I can say that today I still hear insults to gay people as forty years older than me, as I draw kids to more than ten years old. What I have no idea how this will change in future generations and how this should stop being a TV show.

I suppose it's own homosexual which approaches that heal the disease, usually assisted by religious and social pressure. The World Health Organization removed homosexuality as a disease 18 years ago. I personally am glad it is sin and that every day more people realize that what really sickening is homophobia.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is Skin Cancer Communicable Or Not

Community Board XI Trophy


presentation this photograph with Mr. Juan de Dios Román and PEDROZETA , although a little bad taken reflect my illusion of having lived Senior XI TROPHY Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha . We could Pedro Muñoz live in this particular tournament has given us the chance to see teams like the very first BM Ciudad Real has been a worthy winner. Hopefully not many years before re-organize this tournament like this, among other things proud to teach my picture Dujshebaev TALANA JOSEJA and MEN and Chatila JAVI the

Friday, August 29, 2008

Gujrati Salam Pak Recipe

المپیک تابستانی XXIX Mark David Chapman

really do not know if what you put in the post title has something to do with the Beijing Olympics , (even goes out there a question mark) but well, what I. The point is that found a page out there, although Germany has a number of photographs taken from another point of view, which I at least entertained me enough. Hope you like:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wishing Bracelet Ribbon

"Then it happened, I got the gun aimed at his back and pulled the trigger five times in a row" ...

Mark David Chapman
, who has logged 27 years in prison, was interrogated by the prison board for the fifth time on August 12 and immediately denied freedom. Yoko Ono with John Lennon thousands of fans have campaigned to send thousands of letters to corrections officials to prevent free exit Chapman. Yoko Ono argues that his release is not only dangerous for the family of Lennon but also for the criminal, for his own safety, you should get out of jail.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thick Creamy Discharge


Ladies & Gentlemen, I have the PLEASURE enormísimo , the giant PRIDE and the incredible great pleasure (not to mention other extraordinary emotions), to announce that next year we go SUPER bodorrio .

If you've been gone a little downward view, I guess you have seen photo, and you have been mouth open, and already these freaking bad thing! Yep, you're right:

are getting married NEXT YEAR!

My sincere congratulations to the newlyweds, and my gratitude for letting me be the first for this blog;)

Friday, June 27, 2008

White Discharge Week Of Period


NEVER I think this blog has been so long out of date, and is that not eating DYC (one of my admired not sponsors) seems to be that noticeable.

mine, to help those who wait. Kisses and hugs