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Here , in the year 2010, we have finally woken up in the 21 st century. Since the last decades of the 20 reforms were made to engage the country's economic model to the requirements of the scheme within the current neoliberal globalization process, redefining the content of sovereignty to lead the state to limit its role: control shock to domestic and regional initiatives to counter such a scheme.
must be acknowledged that administrators did an excellent job to the owners, who achieved so much unpopularity and lack of credibility to such a level, then to subordinate the social to economic waiting for the occurrence of the "spillover" benefits that government facilitated their movement by the owners themselves, used to impose without attention to formalities, as in non-union companies and authoritative ready. Not surprisingly, managers meet or hinder, are removed like any workers although they create very well "positioned", and hires only the minimum required for the period strictly necessary. The population annoyed believed to have voted for change, as indeed is happening. Nobody said anything specific about the nature of change.
mythology of the last century, expressed in the speech of a single people in a country with a better future for all, more just and equitable, inclusive and opportunities, survived 10 years, the time it took to become the hope uncertainty and from there to shocks (persecuted, detained, injured and killed including) the level of consciousness, that the recovery of title to the Canal Zone, not accompanied by an independent position in the country on the international scene and a transformation structure economic, hampered by our inclusion in the global economic system with the characteristics and dependencies of the groups power and influence in our culture and our political system only means a shift in the administration and maintenance of the beneficiaries of forever: international trade, the strategic interests of the dominant sectors of the United States of America and the immediate interests of the partners in Panama. Survived 10 years, the myth and patience, that little was done and done was not enough, today we have what we have, it says (you never know) that a minimum of 4 years. Is clear that the use of mythological discourse, but believe Today more than ever is a work of stubborn resistance to reason.
While it certainly is playing its role, there is no external enemy to the other side of the fence to divert attention, or cause to unify the diversity of stakeholders. No fifth border. The enemy is within, as it always has been, and after the reversion of assets, increasing national income and a generally positive macroeconomic performance that touches the ground, not enough humanity in the real world, which does not to schools or health centers, or stomachs, and can not disguise the profound internal contradictions of interests in the country which today burst to light, after being in the background during the 20 th century dedicated to finding a solution to the national question.
inequalities are not a problem of insufficient production to overcome by growth, ie the abuse and misuse and growing infinity of matter and energy available in the closed and finite system of life which we belong, but of injustice in the distribution caused by injustice in the ownership of (at least) central to this way of life. Where we are today is unjust and unsustainable, and things do not stop being what they are up to that change in structure, is not about ornaments, philanthropy, charity to those poor poor, telethons, corporate social responsibility and green capitalism.
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Recent events June-July 2010 confirm a change in the form of politically managing the maintenance of the economic model and its consequences, spanning from formal democracy to totalitarianism market, which identifies the interests of capital and national interest, and all that is contrary, as the enemy of progress, country, or any other element useful incidentally taken of the dying century nationalist mythology 20.
This model will continue to expand inequalities inevitably social because it is based on a logic of accumulation and concentration without which there can be, which requires lower standards in this process hipermercantilización processes and living spaces. The content of Law No. 30 of 2010 on environmental and labor, which are possible to reduce costs (as is also the case for curriculum reform) explained the logic and implications mentioned above, along with the legal structure developed to same law on the subject of the case to the National Police units linked to cases of excessive and unjustified force and Act 14 of 2010 limiting the right to protest, allowing the character conflicting changes to the forms of coexistence that project, the need for the imposition of force and violence.
The institutional, always weak and enfeebled in our little paradise of warlordism, centralism, clientelism, corruption and impunity, today is stunted in its naked truth of low participation, poor democracy, little independent initiative and discretion in other words, a tool of special interests. The legislature will graded as a transmission belt of the Executive (which law you want, Mr. President?, You order what you want South Korean law in Panama, Mr. President?) And Judicial interpretation is restricted to the gaps and ambiguities in its discretion, fill the ignorance of deputies according to customer needs.
Politically, there is a process of transition from the 'party, where parties are facades and economic instruments of power distributed on its domes, to the concentration of economic power in one game. The possible absorption of the ruling alliance parties for Democratic Change party Ricardo Martinelli and barriers to the construction of political alternatives in the electoral system are signs in this regard. Other factors that influence such a scenario are the internal disputes between sectors of economic power, the existence of alternative pseudo-traditional parties such as the Panamanian PRD, and the delay in the process of maturation and consolidation of the left-wing political movement, popular city, with their agendas specific meeting points.
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This process of imposing a totalitarian model identified with the interests of the market as a capitalist logic, neo-liberal version, has deep scars in various forms in our America, horror, heroic resistance and inconclusive search for alternatives. This path has recently been passed in another form by the people of Honduras, as of June 28, 2009. L common links and anything you the chance (for now, I clarify) "winners" with the extreme right of the United States, Colombia and Israel, all specializing in terrorism and violence as a method of social control, and constant threat of U.S. military intervention in protection of its geostrategic interests in the inter-oceanic route, even referred to in the Treaty of Permanent Neutrality of the Panama Canal (1977), do not indicate outputs without chiaroscuro, or ensure the arrival of all the natural end our lives.
face the imposition of corporate human rights, the power of money against human dignity, we must pay special attention in this period (without claiming to give an exhaustive list, but what I identify as main definition conflicts) to everything related to work, environment, education and appreciation for diversity against uniformity alleged human being as a producer or consumer goods. Very important, you never will be free, as long as we blindly responding to small parcels that divide us, which we assign a flag, an anthem and a always exploit latent rivalry against a worker who has another flag, one anthem. How to move forward, if among us accept that we put to compete for who is reduced to lower standards?
The fight, the fight, is fighting for goals in a comprehensive project country, not being stalled negotiations and convenience in the middle of the road. In the difficult conditions-ie-effects that occur while you are fighting chance to live, while life is no need to fight.
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