Friday, February 26, 2010

Best Fuel Consumption Pickup

Comments on the essay "Portrait Written Corruption Conflict

Good night everyone, especially workers in the hotel that allow us to make this event as it should.

It gives me great pride to comment on the essay "Letter from the Corruption Portrait", by Professor Raul Leis, in the contributions of Friedrich Ebert Foundation to improving democracy, observing the social phenomenon of corruption and specific action on the political system as a source of institutional instability in Latin America and specifically in our country.

The test goes beyond our expectations, as there is corruption from the traditional prism legalistic or criticism to political practice, but watching it on their complexity, establishing interconnections but not always obvious to the cultural, hegemonic globalization, electoral laws, among others.

Acierta in starting a comprehensive analysis of the connection between corruption and the justice system, highlighting the inadequacies of the extensive political and administrative discretion in the selection procedures of the labor force in the investigation of crime, the interpretation of laws by the courts, reaching the prison system with the imposition and enforcement of sentences, the unequal access to judicial oversight, and in general, the different effects on different social justice.

I say is right to start considering these interdependencies of a negative (or complicity with the powers that be) that affect the results and obstruct the implementation of the possible role of the administration of justice and balance of a democratic constitutional state, the fundamental importance of that role, which would be met fully if the judges as a body (highlighting notable exceptions) have the intellectual capacity and mainly ethical institutional play a less modest, if not mediocre.

Desde luego esto implicaría una mayor presencia social de los magistrados y una segura confrontación con los órganos que controlan nombramientos y presupuestos, pero sería un avance para la sociedad y para la institución.

Este espacio concluye con las preguntas del autor: ¿pueden las jueces ser independientes del poder que los nombra?, ¿cómo superar la corrupción?, ¿cuál es el papel de los jueces en la sociedad actual, en relación a la arbitrariedad, la delincuencia y el abuso?

Luego acierta con en la sección “Las múltiples caras de la corrupción: el pez se pudre de la cabeza hacia abajo”, cuando señala economic and political power as a triggering agent of corruption as a social phenomenon, involving officials and individuals with the power to influence or decide. State and explain the modalities of corruption: social, private and public, administrative and political.

presents social and political reality, ultimately determined by the economy, generating corruption, inequality and exclusion that are mutually reinforcing to form an environment where as always, the first moral value is to survive.

question then is are we condemned to continue living in corruption, "to levels that can harm and seriously affect the development of society, economy and democracy itself?

raised repeatedly in the trial, the need for citizen action through a new ethics policy. Hits again, as a social problem is not solved politically through rules of law and in any case, such rules and institutional behavior not come from the members that today make the rules at the request of the executive or the owner of the party (which is what same) of the ministers who appointed him, it also appoints judges and the legislative "ratification", all of which are controlled, investigate, judge and condemn each other in the only plane of the ideal, nor the solutions come from the economic forces that have shaped the country and their political parties as a means to access the government within a democratic and coating appearance of legality to their way of life: economic activities very close to speculation and corruption. Corruption exists because there are corrupt, laws and institutions tailored to protect the corrupt. Continuing

book describing the corruption in their forms, media, source, networking, dimensions (mentioned the abuse of economic and political power, lack or weakness of mechanisms of control, permissive ethics).

On the political dimension of abuse of power, is about the need for consultation and participation mechanisms, the duty of organizing society, the duty to protest and to suggest the need for limits and civic institutional frameworks discretion over presidential systems used by our

In the economic dimension makes another interesting connection with the rules governing trade between countries and regions with profound asymmetries helping to exacerbate internal inequalities, and the actions of transnational corporations "carrier of bribes and kickbacks that contribute to poverty and insecurity in countries without national and international controls to prevent this situation. "

Throughout the trial was observed that for a steady deterioration of social reality, social action necessary against corruption requires ethics and science from its origin to a different policy. Without wishing to say that social change lies in the individual and the possible isolation might generate such an approach, it is clear the value of subjective and militant commitment to social transformation.

assume that things are well, have to adapt, always have been, no way to change policy is inherently corrupt, power inevitably corrupts and that therefore it is better not to participate, are the most common and counterproductive attitudes and behaviors in large sectors of the population.

who want to change this country can not stay home. The country's fundamental decisions are taken by political, but we do not like. Is to leave open court to continue no matter what happens. The policy is neither bad nor good in itself, is socially inevitable, "bad" or "good" are the means and ends of political practices. Also in this country, what they call those who occupy those spaces politics is politics, charged of ignorance and mental laziness. On the contrary, we must participate, if you want to improve this country.

The opposite is to give trial for "fear of temptation, by insecurity in our database, by" maybe "or pessimism and also justify a priori the wrong behavior of those who reach a helm because" Power corrupts, "which is not necessarily true or invariable, as no one hurts more than it already was, or had to be available.

abstract Al disqualify confused with politics and politicking, each day we require and we undertake to stillness, and then complain about what others do. You have to participate, however anyone can be forced, in that it is very basic mental disposition to do or let others do what they please.

Many other interfaces are made visible in the work: of corruption with the media, civil society, social movements, public opinion and stakeholder partnerships.

Leveraging the broad sense given by the author to corruption and corrupt broadest sense (alter, subvert, ruin, damage, pervert, vitiate, nag, even smell bad) would like to take this opportunity to point out some examples :

1. the traditional land of a people is given in concession to a multinational company, this land is sold and concession are evicted the residents, showing that the employer, the company (whether livestock or hydro), in order: the profit outweighs human dignity and existence of an entire people and culture, as does my fellow Naso, there is corruption.

2. that the mechanisms for consultation and participation in projects to exploit natural resources can be made 6 hours in the affected community, so if you find it, it is as difficult as possible to get counting distance and limited resources, and if it comes, have to counter the buses of people who rent to sign any paper, as is the case with many hydroelectric and mining projects, there is corruption.

3. use riot police, mayors, governors, directors of Indian policy, MPs and ministers only to leave land, destroy community centers, looting crops, demolish homes, schools and private benefit, there is corruption.

4. alter curricula to suit only the needs of labor market, and not for the construction of citizenship, undermining "the way" the working conditions of teachers and therefore an organized social sector, there is corruption.

All these actions have been consistently made by all previous administrations since I have memory, all previous and current government.

The author concludes with a minimal agenda: research and punishment of corruption, civic mobilization processes and citizenship, social audits and citizen oversight, perform diagnostics of vulnerability to corruption in institutions.

Other proposals include: administrative reforms to reduce conflicts of interest, seeking independence of the judiciary and reform the political system.

insist, believing that it is in line with the work or at least caused by it, the urgent need for ethics and science in political action, but specific action because the questioning and the word help, but only action transforms, and tolerance or indifference to the absurd makes us accomplices dead weight even if by default, adopting such a state as a political position.

Citing a work of Anibal Ponce, "there is a war of all days, all hours ... the lesser of the events thus has a precise meaning. Know for whom we work. Every weakness is a triumph of the other, each inconsistency treason. "


* Comments made on behalf of Collective Human Rights-University of Panama,
on February 25, 2010, at the Hotel Miramar, Panama City,
in the book "Portrait Written of Corruption "by Professor Raul Leis,
Fudación event organized by the Friedrich Ebert.

The book is available in digital version here

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How To Stroke A Dogs Penis

is overrated

First of all, a little warning: I have been sadly obliged to eliminate the option to leave anonymous comments by a spam problem. Now to comment you must be registered on Blogger, which, from what I understand, actually means the need to take account googlemail. Or maybe not. I do not know. Nor do I care. Guys you are savvy and know that you will find out for yourselves. But that does not falter, I look forward to receiving about 100 comments per entry to which I have got used and without which I can not live. End of notice. Ala, the theme

I decide to start to complain. I've been basing my life many years in utter passivity. By avoiding fights, I take neutral positions. I adapt. I get carried away by the stream and when I look I do what I want. But I'm sick. I'll start to complain and do things. I decided to go slowly. I know I will not change the world by myself, at least for now. First I have to be constituted as a pressure group, and I decided that my first step to attract followers will be the creation of a

c AMPAIGN to eliminate the habit of giving him two kisses any individual who stands before us .

Below I discuss my reasons:

  1. I do not understand why I have to establish that physical contact with strangers. It is assumed that a kiss is a term of endearment, why the hell I have to give two to one firecracker that I have never seen before in my life and I hope to get away as soon as possible?
  2. If a stranger give you two kisses, am I going to do the same with my friends? Clearly not. My friends give hugs, or at least a kiss, and I give them some time when I have not seen and / or when I have moments of lack of affection, not to say hello when I see them every day.
  3. Am I that I am a bit dull, but I can not understand well what situations should I give kisses to well-known and which are not. I would like someone to explain to me why I have classmates who see me in the bus unit and ignore me, see me in school and ignore me, see me in the cafeteria eating and ignore me, but I found the evening of celebration and warmly greeted me and give me two BESACE still hear them ring the next day.
  4. is a custom quite uncomfortable in almost any situation: if a group of people, because you have to put in the middle, if people are sitting because they have to raise, or the newly arrived have to bend down, or both , causing serious risks to the physical integrity of the precarious position of equilibrium is adopted, because if you sit and also around a table one or more of its sides is attached to the wall and bundles brown, etc.
For these reasons and others of which I'll agreeing and I'll add, I think we should seriously consider the possibility of becoming British cold and shaking hands with everyone. Familiarity is overrated in this country. And now I do plates and stickers to distribute to those who support me.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Brazilianwaxing Tutorial

Raul Leis Socio 2010: notes from a neoliberal agenda and the proposed Comprehensive Educational Transformation

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Antique Bevelledmirrors

What does the night to sleep?

When I was little there was nothing to give me more scared to be awake when everyone was asleep. In fact, for years my mother forced to leave the room light on, not because he was afraid of the dark, but because and knew that at some point she would have to lift off, and that was the best guarantee we could get that was still awake as I was. I know that was a pretty fucking method, especially when my mother thought I would already be asleep, he came to power off, and I yelled "nooo mommy, I'm awake!", But what you will, is in my nature. My father never understood this, or at least pretended not to understand, and one day put an outlet on those who decide alone what time it is switched on or off things. It knows everything. I will bitch, but he has not beaten anyone.

remember the day finally overcame that fear. It was during Christmas holidays. I must have been about 10 years ago. Was tucked in bed, eagerly devouring the end of "Northern Lights" by Phillip Pullman (to read the book that I remember as a young man had a capacity to retain irrelevant data was not normal). The fact is that suddenly looked at the time it was, and my clock radio Grundig 3:30 am probably marked the previous day had overwhelmed me, would have turned off the light and tried to sleep as quickly as possible. I would even have prayed a loads of Our Fathers, because my grandmother told me once that if I could not sleep I had to do was pray until you get. It never worked very well. My mind wanders easily from any repetitive task. But that cold day in early January, I did not care. I got up, went to the kitchen, drank water, went back to bed and kept reading until I finished the book.

And since that day, my subconscious has been determined to drag the chaos zone, but a series of external circumstances have prevented me. Among these include the classes in the mornings and a mother to eleven-thirty and was saying, "childish, when are you going to go to sleep? It's too late ..." (This is followed by if you see me floating around out there).

The laptop was the beginning of change, to provide me with endless entertainment without having to prove he was awakened by my presence in the room.

Erasmus year was the final impetus. For ten months, my mother did not know if I was awake or not more than during the times of telephone calls I decided to give. And there was virtually no lag or serious obligation.

But this year came into my life the evening shift. And I went into a potentially self-destructive spiral that I do not know when it will end. I have no timetable to eat or sleeping. In fact, today I woke up at half past one, I had breakfast, ate at seven, dined at one and are now almost five and I'm writing this and listening to a considerable volume "Love of the Loveless" by Eels, while I think to get a second dinner, or a predesayuno. For even I have the typical noise problems with neighbors. There is nobody around me. I tried to sing loudly, and nobody has complained. Even before he had a brother in the next room, but his strange decision to study pharmacy has been living in a dorm rigidly Opus, and I have been released two years I lost.

Like night. I like the darkness and silence. I like quiet. Sometimes I even like the solitude. I think I'll go on living without even a long term schedule.