"Its ratification is an act of historical justice and provide legal protection to a number of civil rights, whose validity will lay the material and institutional bases to reverse a situation injustice, inequality and social exclusion, economic and political, which will be a step towards a thorough and participatory democracy throughout Panamanian society, as well as to the validity of the rule of law that respects the human dignity of all human beings. .. [read the full paper, click "page" below]
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.. . this is a real conflict is not resolved by applying the principle of absolute sovereignty of a state useful for projecting an image of unity enforced nor the enunciation of a standard, but with the recognition of multiculturalism and build a multicultural society and reflected in its institutions: the transformation of state radical because it is based on another way to understand the relationships between human beings within nature as part of the world, translated into another political culture to defend the identity, diversity and possibilities, it is fair to say that we're all equal as different and that there is no reason to justify the domination of some over others. "