Sunday, September 27, 2009

Adjust Radiator Heat For Apartments

ILO Convention 169 political and social struggle in Panama

"Its ratification is an act of historical justice and provide legal protection to a number of civil rights, whose validity will lay the material and institutional bases to reverse a situation injustice, inequality and social exclusion, economic and political, which will be a step towards a thorough and participatory democracy throughout Panamanian society, as well as to the validity of the rule of law that respects the human dignity of all human beings. .. [read the full paper, click "page" below]

Open publication - Free publishing - More panama

.. . this is a real conflict is not resolved by applying the principle of absolute sovereignty of a state useful for projecting an image of unity enforced nor the enunciation of a standard, but with the recognition of multiculturalism and build a multicultural society and reflected in its institutions: the transformation of state radical because it is based on another way to understand the relationships between human beings within nature as part of the world, translated into another political culture to defend the identity, diversity and possibilities, it is fair to say that we're all equal as different and that there is no reason to justify the domination of some over others. "

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hot Euro Soccer Players

Michael Jackson breast Crew

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Estera Muzyczka Gliwice

the words up! BM Ciudad Real

.. and the case is that suddenly I remember the first place more or less we met in the first network time ... Damn! I thought it's good! And only last three Anete of anything! Since then, the advice is not to look at the first pages are filled with advertising


THE LINK leave if you want to give you a vueltecilla, although I'm sure many of you already have signed up.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Happens When Your On Meth?

Hi folks! Not that being late "post" is that we were on a pilgrimage and there was no time for everything ... the 05.31.2007 The BM Ciudad Real was declared CHAMPION of EUROPA! ... And I thought it was excuse enough to re-publish a fotuki that I have out there with red eyes with a coleguilla!

The club link

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


follows Chiquito de la Calzada GREAT

The great D. Gregorio Sanchez has managed to stop a stupid entry on religion that would have worked, which certainly a large percentage of those who read them are not going to like. Well, the fact is that the other day I saw him on television, and took a long time without seeing him live and my laughter provoked an attack from long ago ... Here, you have the video of Chiquito de la Calzada Buenafuente (in two parts) CHIQUITO VIVA!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Is The Best Weave Hair To Buy

digital design (in some cuñaaa) (da)

Hello hello, pasense you for this address

http:// / mariantronco /

to view a document mereeeece your peeena. To see if I win this thing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What Is Maxine's Last Name

Flamingos in Laguna del Pueblo

Supongo que muchos de vosotros os habéis dado cuenta del alubión de flamencos que inundan/inundaban sobre todo la Laguna del Pueblo de Pedro Muñoz. Otros no teníais conocimiento por el alto consumo de alcohol ingerido sin respetar a los pobres jovencillos que no llegan a la edad y los que no pueden ahora por no se que historia, pero weno... siempre algún chavalete, por si os interesa, se habrá inflado a seleccionar unas fotukis esperando que os gusten por supuesto. Pues eso, a ver si os gustan. Chao guapetes

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Getting A Bus From Montreal To Fredericton

Anel Omar Rodríguez Barrera ... and all mastranto and champagne

Posted in Zero Hour , TuPolí , Looking Road, Kaosenlared and El Panama America

never really talked like this, the first time I saw him working, I was 10.
The last time I saw him working, was a little over a month. always saw him at work or swapping positions productively with others.

So, as I consider it "a good person, a worthy man, whom he could speak, who is never smoke rose, a worker ... real loss. "

The fact of being part of divergent political spaces, but we have shared ideological positions, not change my perception either good or bad.

And if I, only had this distant image it feels like loss, a feeling shared by people whose trust approach, I understand there are those who were closest colleagues, friends, family, supporters.

was also notable the human effort in the bureaucratic maze clientelistic to develop cultural spaces and the presence of INAC, subject and institution "third" for our political structures full of guilty of ignorance of convenience and conviction, in which the missing today was notable exception.

However, in difficult times where you have to define positions and demonstrate the ability to deal with the consequences of our words and actions. not because they killed Anel Omar Rodríguez Barrera, or any of our known estimates, the tough speech acquires legitimacy or viability. OK

such a sequence would be to deny the inherent dignity of all those who every day have been dying due to violence is not rooted in working class neighborhoods, but in the systematic exclusion and denial of rights to which have undergone these populations, creating conditions of life shamefully unequal social structure, in a context of competition and consumerism, with all the consequences of such imagery and social reality can be derived, including common crime, last delinquency link in a chain arising from the power that establishes the accommodation of the image as a moral rule and corruption as metabolism of the country. Where to find the real culprits then, where will you start making the "prophylaxis"?

died not because the friend of the president who is now time to strengthen security, first because the state, ideally, is for friends, second because it maintains the same approach -selective reagent-repressive and undemocratic security. Either because at the time was killed the bodyguard of the mayor of the capital is clearly hypocritical and validate its electioneering indignation, for ten years when his administration was a Unfortunately for the city in all aspects.

also lost safety of the bus fire victims, the dyetilenglicol, taxi drivers murdered, young Jaque, the starving and parasites, construction workers, retirees miseries and no medicine, no school children, displaced by mega projects, prisoners with no alternative, in short, all human beings in their equality have historically suffered the consequences of the act or omission of the public, whom I have had conscious voluntarily and recklessly between carnivals, propaganda, addenda and other deviations from time immemorial, without the slightest change can start with the squalid election bids.

That way, you have to look radically, even during the elections easier to turn the speech and shake the branches to see who falls appealing to the scheme of thought immediately, leaving intact the central conflict generator the specific problem.

We must not get carried away by misfortune or indirectly contribute to it, because neither revenge nor fear will lead to freedom or justice. Today dad told me he was going out and finally I was concerned .. Yesterday for the umpteenth mom told me that they no longer can go out and finally felt I was right and not exaggerated.

Only if we think with reason, if we take seriously the world, life, whether positively and constructively adapt the truth that in effect, only save the people conscious people, we will leave medium term this tragic circus.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baby Not Opening Eyes

Carnival Carnival Carnival piñatero

Hi folks!
Now if we have no say the carnival are gone (unless we do ...) and this certainly hurts. Thankfully, we remain here a few fotuquis, Buuut me this year I have only pictures of a fiestezuki part of that presentation with the use of Big Joe. Once again, I offer this humble blog in case you want to send more pics carnival that if you collect enough of the public. Hope you like.

Beeesos and hugs.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Symtoms After Implantation

Ladies and Gentlemen, I leave around here a few links to some fotuquis carnival this year and lack Piñata has not yet happened. Of course let me send more fotukis for another post as the carnival and the Piñata mentioned and of course I wish I had some more movement to reflect more of what you will see.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stomach Virus With Vertigo

Boquete come. I had the privilege of staying at the home of zinc and cardboard property a colleague who have not yet reached the opportunities. banquet dinner was rice, sausage and lentils. there was no coffee for breakfast, but as nature always gives everything he has until it's "sir" fuck slogan or damage, we take a delicious tea mastranto.

the site was clean and mostly decent, with the comforts and constraints of those who live in our work and not others, speculation or political demagoguery income (if you just think about Martinelli or Balbina, and especially if you plan to throw your vote, your time and dignity to them, it is not my fault) I talked

well, we have learned and projects. I have no complaints.

good, I have a couple ... not to bore you. Many of the mountains which form the environment have been "developed" in neighborhoods without a stick, resorts and white houses gringoscanadienseseuropeosaustralianos (is there a difference if those who are?) that after fucking assholes from their country the world now endure and it look fucking nice weather retreats climate on the road, and we live and live as a collateral of the process.

there uptown local houses, inhabited by beings of such low esteem that require cultural blend with the above for once and for all access to the realm where you do not know which is the juice, but champagne.

cajetas I have also seen enough cement sides, with such bad taste and disorientation that made me feel in this city that "progress" at home. it is so much destruction in the progress and development so much inequality in both myths criminal conviction should be abolished and its use.

but I talked well, we have learned and projects. still struggling.

Monday, February 16, 2009

How Do You Regain Kidney Function?

NO these weeks I've played this blog to name my despair over the possible approach CARNIVAL 2K9 my people and my inability to smash it in hours as I have been doing this for years, but I can not anymore. Heart I really hope you all enjoy the hours they surely can not abuse me, and I guess even then I leave you low voice or in writing contéis you let me experience to increase the jealousy. For now I think I'll put the suit Chiquito to dry the first tears ...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Astrostart Rss 2524 Distance

Hans Beck and Playmobil clicks

I learn a few days later (from 30 January) the death of Mr. Hans Beck . Of course the first thing I ask is who is that guy ... and then ... and then ...

and then I hear that this brother is the inventor of PLAYMOBIL clicks. Fuck that sorrow, no? Of course I will not boast of being one of the largest owners of clicks in my childhood (he was the gas station, two cars and little else) but hours and hours of game made ... MARRE MINE! sure that even good but I will not spend justifying lines.

EDIT: advice of my wife included heavily influenced by this fotuki

Monday, January 12, 2009

Boss Men's Sizes Cloathing

Limitations on political participation in Panama

Published TuPolí , La Estrella de Panama and Expressions No 118

Through political participation, citizens seeking access to government power to direct public policy of the state over society in a certain direction with a specific vision of the world. According to our constitution, political parties are an essential instrument for such participation, but by no means the only possible and necessary to express the pluralism of ideas in its dynamic power determine the will of a people, following last and now, only legitimate, established public authorities.

From a deformation in the exercise of legislative power by the authorities traditional political and economic, have been effectively shut down the avenues of participation for a large percentage of citizens who do not share the ideal or practice of the existing parties, although formal legal avenues remain disconnected from reality culturally deficient (patronage) system Panamanian political social.

Thus continues the contradiction between the needs of all citizens, party positions and actions of government, which leads to the final denial of the right to effective participation, or controlled exercise on job Prefabricated and undifferentiated in every election to set the image of a representative democratic system in which the representation is questionable for this level for the forced and poorly distributed representation, which finally dissociates objectively our form of government of democratic principles.

Restrictions on the right to participate politically sink inequalities in educational, health and historical discrimination of all kinds, although in the immediate are located around the ban on independent candidates for the Presidency , legal barriers to materials other elected positions and forces shaping inland alternatives that would permit effective participation in the political system, are the living example of a political-economic system that seeks to sustain itself by grabbing the access to power by way subordinate to their particular interests in the guise of the rule of law, without forums for dialogue and independent citizen oversight.

Such kidnapping of political activity and institutions is an attack on democratic development and is a breach of the duty of every State to respect, promote and guarantee the exercise of human rights in general, and specifically the rights civil and political under conditions of equality enshrined in the highest standards of domestic and international law that should govern our social fact.

In the cases described, the electoral law has clearly surpassed the constitution or has been regulated to preclude the advent of democracy broad, deep and free. In turn, judges should remember that our constitutional provision, apart from its home services, the particularity of its amendments and the urgent need for transformation, remains in force and shall apply, paradoxically, as an element of social change and democratic development through peaceful ways.

Can I Use Eyeclops Projector In The Uk?

If we tried to talk about real atrocities tenured proximity of Palestinians killed recently in the number of thousand units, while nearly half of them children (and no exaggeration if you take a vistacillo reporters in the network) if no enough exaggeration. Well, if it sounds a little, the rest of the international community seems to be that it's up to the hilt as the problem is appointed shortly to say nothing even to this day little while after that lead to the topic. Come
it, to stop or continue testing our countries to send ministers and derivatives, and more when it's inches months have been inflated to sell hundreds of thousands of dollars in material defense and Spain seems to be, but doing something else please ... and soon please. I do not know what the hell
need to go further so that there is some kind of action, surely a bloody outrage and eventually television in some way or another we will try to reassure.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Soy Lecithin Outbreak

Death in Palestine Tomelloso "El Jueves" Happy 2009

Hi folks! Happy New Year felicex and even kings, because at first I was going to republicanillo but my conscience has been rectified in case I fell a regalete I say I will always aftertaste ...
Well, in this post I wanted to present something more curiosete: and I've found in the magazine El Jueves a page devoted entirely to Tomelloso and of course I found most curious. So if you are interested and have not seen (although the number 1649 came out I bought it today) click on the image and you take a vistacillo. Beeesos and hugs